Jennifer Aldoretta Startup Founder
Jennifer Aldoretta is the “Co-Groover” and CEO of Groove, a startup that helps women learn about and manage reproductive health and fertility. She is passionate about the intersection of technology and women’s health and is obsessed with great design, growth hacking, and empowering women through education. You can learn more via her website.
Leon Barnard Designer
Leon Barnard is a writer and designer at Balsamiq Studios. He contributes to the Balsamiq UX blog and curates the Balsamiq Champions blog about how and why people use Mockups.
Ximena Vengoechea User Researcher
Ximena Vengoechea is a design researcher, writer, and illustrator whose work lies at the intersection of technology, society, and design. She currently works at Twitter, and is a regular contributor to FastCompany, The Washington Post, and the Daily Muse. You can learn more at her website.